When You Get a Call That Starts With “Can You Hear Me?” It’s a Dangerous Scam

Apparently there’s a new phone scam going on where the first thing the person asks is, “Can you hear me?”  Your instinct will be to say, “Yes” . . . and if you do, you’re SCREWED.   Because they’re recording you saying “Yes” . . . so they can play that back when they use your stolen credit card number to buy something and the credit card company calls to confirm the purchase.  So if you get a call that starts off with “Can you hear me?” just hang up.  Or if you think it MIGHT be a legitimate call, don’t say “Yes” . . . say something like, “I can hear you.”  SEE MORE ABOUT ROBOCALLS HERE: https://consumerist.com/2017/01/27/if-a-telemarketer-or-robocall-asks-can-you-hear-me-just-hang-up-its-a-scam/


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